After winning the Gold Award at the National Productivity and Competitiveness Convention (NPQC) 2021 in August this year, our specialist in hygiene and well-being went a step further by presenting its project at the international level. Archemics’s case study was showcased at the 46th International Convention on Quality Control Circles – 2021 (ICQCC-2021) which took place in Hyderabad, India from 24th to 27th November 2021, competing with 19 other projects in its category. The Convention focused on the theme “Quality Concepts Facilitating Societal and Economic Turnaround”, and involved over 300 companies of all sizes, from 14 countries. The gold-awarded project detailed the measures and initiative adopted by the company to mitigate the pandemic’s impact on the country and its activities. At the ICPCC, it received the highest award (“Par Excellence” Award), notably as the jury appreciated the variety of tools used for problem identification and ideation. “It’s a fantastic achievement on the part of the Archemics team.” confided Archemics’ Managing Director, Laurent Roussel. “We are very honoured and conforted by this award, as it acknowledges that we are on the right track with our strategy.” Archemics is increasingly positioning itself as a major actor of the well-being industry, with an array of solutions spanning from personal care to sanitation of the spaces we live in.