Connecting Mauritius to the World.
For over 30 years, our travel agency, Itineris, and our GSA, Harel Mallac Aviation have made this big world a little smaller and a lot more wonderful for Mauritians. From opening the doors to far flung destinations for tourists and business travellers, to helping local businesses import and export products with ease, our business units play a crucial role in unlocking the skies and connecting our island with the world.
Harel Mallac Aviation Ltd
18, Edith Cavell Street, Port Louis, Mauritius
T: (230) 207 3042
F: (230) 207 3090
Itineris Ltd
18, Edith Cavell Street, Port Louis, Mauritius
T: (230) 207 3044
Emergency/whatsapp: (230) 52514027